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  • Black Horse Run Newsletter Process


  • 1.     The BHR Newsletter is published quarterly and is mailed in conjunction with the quarterly POA dues invoices by the business office.
    • a.     January-March
    • b.     April-June
    • c.     July-September
    • d.     October-December
  • 2.     Due dates to the Office Manager are typically 5 days prior to the publication date to allow for copying and folding.  Contact our Office Manager each quarter to determine when he/she will need the newsletter for processing.
  • 3.     The current newsletter format is Microsoft Publisher, but each newsletter editor is free to use whatever application serves them best.  The final version of the newsletter should be printed on white paper, single-sided for our Office Manager.
  • 4.     Once the newsletter is finalized it should be converted to a PDF file and forwarded via email to the BHR website administrator for posting on the BHR website.
  • 5.     General info:
    • a.     The heading of the newsletter should be changed each quarter to reflect the appropriate time frame.  The format of the newsletter is subject to change based on the current editor’s preferences.
    • b.     Our policy has been to NOT publish the “Teens List” in order to provide protection for our teens, however, referring to the list and that is maintained on the BHR, Residents Only portion of the website and password protected is useful occasionally.
    • c.     Obtaining content is always a challenge.  Notify the Board of the up-coming newsletter to solicit input.
    • d.     Although the newsletter is typically a two-sided document, it is not necessary if there is insufficient content.
    • e.     Currently, font selection has been 16pt for headers and 12pt for text content to make reading easier.  Again, current editor’s choice.
    • f.      As a service to our residents, incorporate active links when website, email, are reference. Not important for the hard copy but convenient when posted on the website and via NextDoor.
    • g.     Our website contains an “Entrepreneur’s List” of business info for BHR residents.  We have traditionally published that in the newsletter once a year.
    • h.     Posting the newsletter in advance of the office mailing encourages online interaction.  Use the Nextdoor or Facebook to post.
    • i.  A couple of topics to stay away from; political articles and postings and personal articles.

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