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General Guidelines for Developing Common Residential Projects in Black Horse Run Covenants on file since 1973 with Wake County provide the legal basis for managing property development and maintenance in Black Horse Run. Over the years these covenants have been further interpreted by Guidelines developed by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) and represent the collective opinion of the ACC.  They are summarized here; a complete version is available in our Business Office.

GENERAL: No structure, fence, or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any tract until the construction plans, specifications, and plot plan showing the location of said structure, fence, or wall has been approved by the Architecture Control Committee.

FENCES: Fence materials such as wood, brick, stone and masonry design consistent with the style of the house will be considered appropriate. Fences cannot be more than six feet high and no closer than six inches to any side lot boundary. The finished side of the fence will face the adjacent lot owner. Fences are restricted to backyard placement. Fences that encroach on riding trails or easements will not be approved.

BARNS/STABLES/SHEDS: Stables, barns and sheds will be evaluated individually and must be in keeping with the style of the dwelling or with other stables and barns in the development. They must be aesthetically appealing.

PET ENCLOSURES: In keeping with the Wake County Leash Law for Control of Pets, the Association encourages all homeowners to control their household pets and not let them run free. A homeowner can choose several methods to restrain a household pet to the boundaries of their own rear yard:

• If a homeowner has, or plans to build an approved fence, then a thin wire-mesh may be attached on the inside of the fence. Chain link is not considered "thin wire-Mesh".

• In cases where the size of the household pet requires a stronger enclosure, the ACC may approve a chain-link fence restricted to the backyard. Your proposal must include your plans for “hiding’ the fence from public view.

• Invisible fencing" is available through several companies in this area and is very effective in containing most pets.

RETAINING WALLS: All retaining walls are to be aesthetically appealing and in keeping with the architecture of the dwelling. The materials to be used must be approved prior to construction of the wall. Split tires, tire rims, etc., will not be approved. Appropriate materials are rock, brick, and wood.

GENERAL LANDSCAPING: Gardens are permissible provided they are in the backyard. General roadside landscaping is the responsibility of the property owner and a minimum of 20 feet from the edge of the road pavement must be maintained.

SET BACKS: All projects must consider setbacks when planned to insure compliance.

• House and Garage must be at least 75 from front property line, 30 feet from rear property line, and 20 feet from side property lines

• Stables/Sheds must be within 60 feet from rear property line or not closer than five feet to a bridle trail or rear property line.

• Easements for utility purposes are 20 feet along each property line.

• Horse trails easement can be between 20-40 feet depending on location.

NO TEMPORARY RESIDENCES (RV’s, tents, trailer, camper, shacks) ARE PERMITTED.

CAMPERS, BOATS, TRACTORS, HORSE TRAILERS, etc. must be confined to your own lot and out-of-sight from the street.

HORSE TRAILS are provided for Equestrian use only and are not to be used by bicycles, ATV's, tractors, motorcycles, or  pedestrians.  Emergency vehicles have access if necessary.

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